Roslindale Congregational Church offers Sunday School to children ages 5–16 and childcare for infants and toddlers every Sunday except the last Sunday of each month, when we celebrate All Ages family worship.
Sunday School meets in a one-room school-house style dedicated classroom. Childcare is offered in a preschool classroom. Sunday School and childcare start at 10:00 a.m. Children return to the sanctuary in time for the offertory and stay until the end of the service. Although childcare and Sunday School are provided, children and infants are always welcome in the sanctuary during worship.
Under the direction of our Children’s Ministry team, our Sunday School program honors the spiritual life of each child, introduces them to the basic beliefs and stories of our Christian faith in an age-appropriate way, and seeks to nurture a healthy foundation for a life of ongoing faith formation.
© Roslindale Congregational Church, UCC