Members and other regular attendees of the church are encouraged to commit to support the church by making a pledge as part of our annual Stewardship campaign in the fall. Pledges can be for a weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, or annual amount, and will support our operating budget for the upcoming year. Pledged envelopes are provided to track contributions while preserving privacy of the giver.
As a Congregational Church, we are responsible for raising our own funds to enable our church mission in the community. We do not receive funding from the United Church of Christ.
Donations are welcome at any time.
Roslindale Congregational Church, UCC has recently partnered with Vanco Services to make giving easier and faster. Vanco’s electronic giving service is safe and secure. It allows you to designate your contribution to various church funds throughout the year, including our Operating Expense, Non-Pledge Offering, Christmas Offering, etc. Another benefit to using Vanco’s service is that you can plan your budget by setting up recurring offerings, whether they are annual, monthly or weekly. Click here to make your donation.
Donations by check should be made payable to Roslindale Congregational Church and can be mailed to the church at 25 Cummins Highway, Roslindale, MA 02131.
We also ask that our regular churchgoers consider how they may be called to volunteer their own time and talents to the church’s mission in the community. This might take the form of helping internally by:
© Roslindale Congregational Church, UCC